How to Recover Lost Data From Your Hard Disk?
Let’s start to show you how to get your deleted files back, you may take the similar steps to get the loss data for other cases. Before that, please download and install this free H Data Recovery Master, you can take this latest version to scan all the lost files.
The steps to get your deleted files:
Step 1. After installation, launch HData Recovery an click the “Delete Your Files Accidentally” button to the next steps.
Step 2. Choose the partition where the files was deleted by mistake, and click “Next“.
Step 3: HData Recovery will scan to find out your lost files quickly, just keep waiting until you see the scan result list, all the files in the list is recoverable.
Step 4. Check the files you would like recover, you will be able to preview the files such as image, txt, doc or any others, which will help to make decision. After you check what you would like recover, please click “Next“.
Step 5. Select the path where the recovered files you would like to save. Save on another disk or external USB card would like a good choice to avoid any recovery failure.
That’s all. Please note that HData Recovery will also can fit for:
● Recover files from hard drive, camera card, USB and other media
● Recover files emptied from the Recycle Bin
● File recovery after accidental format or reinstalled Windows.
● Disk recovery after a hard disk crash
● Get back files after a partitioning error
● Get data back from RAW hard drives
● Recover documents, photos, video music and email.